Book Review: Masonry Unmasked…
An Insider reveals the Secrets of the Lodge
by John Salza
Sometimes, long and in depth reviews are great. But for this book, I think simplicity is the key. The Catholic author, John Salza, who is a former Freemason, gives and precise, yet easy to read book about why Freemasonry is wrong.
Yes, I said it, Freemasonry is wrong, a sin. I have known this for years, but was always unable to tell people why except: The Catholic Church is against it, it could cause excommunication. This did not work for my Protestant friends and information was hard to find.
Salza is a lawyer, so he methodically goes through each aspect of why a Christian should not be a Mason. I love a good conspiracy theory, but this book did not stoop to the level of using hearsay or rumors. Salza was a high ranking member, who went from his experiences, and Masonic writings. The book does enlighten the reader on secret rituals, passwords, and handshakes.
Granted, this book is not for you if you do not know any Masons and wouldn’t be able to recognize a Masonic symbol if you saw one. But if you have family members or friends who are Masons, this is a must read!
This review was written as part of the Catholic book Reviewer program from The Catholic Company. Visit The Catholic Company to find more information, or to purchase Masonry Unmasked .